As God has made individuals to be a unique part of the body of Christ, we believe churches are each distinctly gifted and called.
Recognizing that we are one of many churches doing God’s Kingdom work, Mount Hamilton Baptist Church is guided in its ministry and purpose by a set of values that helps us live into our vision of being Connected, Christian, Missional people.
We value relationships.
We hope for people to develop friendships and feel that they belong to our church family through mutually supportive godly relationships. We rejoice that we are a diverse congregation, allowing us to form friendships that transcend race, age or history.
We uplift God’s Word.
We think it is important to teach God’s Word and to learn to live by it. Teaching should be relevant and accessible, in particular for those who are new to studying Scripture.
We embody grace.
We long to be a place of love, acceptance and non-judgement. We feel we have a calling to create safe places for the broken, the seeking and the exploring.
We foster participation.
We see everyone in our church as being a part of our ministry. Under the direction of godly leadership, we seek to work together to honour God. In our worship, we value participation over perfection.
We cherish the next generation.
As an intergenerational church body of believers, we value people of all generations, while we also recognize that we have a special capacity and calling to care for children, young people and families.
We embrace creativity.
In response to God’s creational mandate, we seek to worship in varied and innovative ways. We encourage everyone to honour God through the unique and diverse gifts He has given.
We promote mission.
We want to join in God’s mission to care for people in our global and local community. We are especially eager to care for the poor and broken as Scripture commands. We aim to partner with other churches and organizations because we believe we are better together. We embrace the work of individuals from our church in our community as the ministry of MHBC and desire to support them in it.
We desire transformation.
We make every effort to create a community where people are continually being transformed by God’s grace into mature disciples of Christ.