Children’s Ministry
Our children join in Sunday School each Sunday during our worship service. All ages worship together for the start of our service, before children go to their classes. We have two large groups for Sunday School that meet every Sunday:
Age 2 (Preschool) to Senior Kindergarten
Grade 1 to Grade 5
All of our Sunday School teachers are trained in our child protection policies and are required to show up-to-date criminal reference checks.
We also have a class for Middle School students (grades 6 to 8) that meets the second and fourth Sunday of the month during the Sunday School slot.
Youth Group: Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30
Our youth meet in our building on Tuesday nights, and are split into groups (Middle School and Senior High). They engage in a variety of fun and community building activities, ranging from games to weekend retreats to nights out at local trampoline parks. All youth from grades 6 to 12 are welcome.
Helping With Children and Youth Programs
Leaders in Training
Our Middle School students can request to be part of our L.I.T program which allows them to start volunteering in our Sunday School classes. Our senior highs volunteer in a range of church programs. Talk to your youth leaders to participate.
If you wish to serve in our children or youth ministries, please talk to one of our pastors. We are always eager to have people use their gifts in this way.